3 min read
4 Reasons To Select A Local Based Website Hosting Company
Web hosting is an essential part of any website. When choosing a host for your precious website there are many things to consider. These ranges from price, RAM, Bandwidth, CDN...
Mary is a WordPress advocate and Community Builder with over 6 years of experience in the Open Source Industry. Mary believes everyone should own and run a personal blog.
3 min read
Web hosting is an essential part of any website. When choosing a host for your precious website there are many things to consider. These ranges from price, RAM, Bandwidth, CDN...
4 min read
Web hosting has become an essential component of website development. While you can build websites offline or on your internal network, to make them accessible to the world, they must...
2 min read
By now, you should have heard about full site editing, if you have not, you can read all about it here: https://fullsiteediting.com/ It has a low entry barrier & new...
4 min read
When you need a personal or business website, the first thing you want to do is choose your domain name and check to see if it is available. You do...
3 min read
PHP versions, what are they? And why should you be interested in them? Just as you may speak English, Swahili, Igbo, Kiryinwanda, Yoruba, Hausa, French, or one of the many...
1 min read
If you are wondering why you may need to switch to a different PHP version on your WordPress website, what PHP is, and its relationship with WordPress, read this guide....
2 min read
Should you be concerned about the PHP version your WordPress website is running? The answer to this is a big YES from us. So why should you be and how...
2 min read
Research has proven that quite a number of people are still puzzled about how the internet works, in particular how websites are brought to life, in this article, lets’ dive...
2 min read
I get this question a lot, even when I didn’t fully understand how this content management system software worked. Now that I do, I would still pick WordPress {WP} 80%...
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