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Keeping Up with WordPress: Episode 3

It’s time for us to keep you abreast of WordPress news and updates, again. Our favorite part about May is often the fact that it’s WordPress anniversary. But this year, it’s even more special because WordPress is turning 20! Twenty blissful years of remaining an internet sensation, providing jobs for millions of people, and providing a reliable and user-friendly content management system for over 60% of the internet. If you ask us, we think that it is a pretty big deal. 

So? How do you celebrate? 

You could attend any of the WordPress meetups that are happening in your locale. Check out a list of events happening on the 27th of May here

No meetups? Well, the good thing is that anyone can plan theirs. Plan your own meetups to help people experience WordPress and seize this opportunity to learn how to organize events, either offline or online. Check out the handbook for guidance and tips.

Second, get the buzz going on Twitter by using the #wp20 hashtag and sparking conversations on what you want to see in the next decade.

Finally, what’s a party without swag? The WordPress Anniversary website is live, you should check it out and get your hands on some merchandise. Fill out this form before May 5 so it can be shipped out to you!

WordPress Enthusiast creates a WordPress Periodic Table to celebrate WordPress @ 20!

To celebrate the upcoming 20th anniversary of WordPress, core committer Pascal Birchler has created a Periodic Table of WordPress Plugins. The table highlights 108 of the most popular free plugins on, with approximately 57% having 1 million or more active installations. Birchler originally created a similar table 10 years ago, ranking plugins by the number of active installs. 

The updated chart is now available at with a modernized design, more curation, and more useful information than before. The interactive website allows users to expand each plugin card to view additional information, including the author, install count, star rating, and date of publication. With the lowest number of active installs being 600k, the chart provides an easy way to view the most successful extensions at a glance.

WordPress X AI: Dawn of a New Era! 

The first-ever AI for WordPress virtual conference is set to take place on May 25, 2023, hosted by Human Made. The event will showcase demos of the company’s AI projects, as well as presentations from other industry leaders who are making strides in this field. Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn about the impact of AI on the WordPress industry and hear predictions and insights. While details regarding the schedule and timing are yet to be announced, registration for the conference is open.

Human Made is one of the few WordPress product makers experimenting with Gutenberg-native AI block and content assistants. CTO Joe Hoyle has published several videos demonstrating how prompts can work across various blocks with AI natively integrated into the block editor. The agency has also created a guide titled “76 ways AI could transform WordPress” which explores the possibilities that AI opens up for the industry.

So, that’s it folks! Don’t forget to try out WordPress 6.2 and leave a review of how that went for you! Ciao!

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