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How to Create a WordPress Plugin from Scratch

Creating a WordPress plugin from scratch can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it can be a rewarding experience. In this article, we will take you through the step-by-step process of creating a WordPress plugin from scratch.

Step 1: Define Your Plugin’s Purpose and Functionality

Before you start coding, it’s essential to define what your plugin will do and how it will benefit users. Determine the problem your plugin solves and the features it will offer.

Step 2: Choose a Plugin Name and Slug

Choose a unique and descriptive name for your plugin, and create a slug (a shortened version of the name) that will be used in the plugin’s file structure.

Step 3: Create the Plugin Files

Create the main plugin file (e.g., my-plugin.php) and any additional files (e.g., includes, assets) your plugin requires.

Step 4: Add the Plugin Header

In the main plugin file, add the plugin header, which contains metadata about your plugin (e.g., name, version, author).

Step 5: Write the Plugin Code

Write the PHP code that will power your plugin’s functionality. This may include hooks, functions, and classes.

Step 6: Test and Debug Your Plugin

Test your plugin thoroughly, debugging any issues that arise.

Step 7: Package and Distribute Your Plugin

Package your plugin files and distribute them through the WordPress Plugin Directory or other channels.


Creating a WordPress plugin from scratch requires careful planning, coding, and testing. By following these steps, you can create a high-quality plugin that solves real-world problems and benefits the WordPress community. Happy coding!

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