Is your WordPress website running the supported version of PHP?

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How to check your WordPress website PHP version

Should you be concerned about the PHP version your WordPress website is running? The answer to this is a big YES from us. So why should you be and how can you check what PHP version your site is running on?

PHP is a programming language we use to add dynamic content and features to websites in layman’s terms. PHP is fast, pragmatic, and flexible. Suppose you understand that security and speed are crucial components you should take care of on your website; you should be concerned about what version your website is running.

PHP is powerful enough to power the most extensive content management system today on the web, WordPress. And just like WordPress, PHP is also an Open Source Software installed on many web servers today.

PHP versions 5.2 through to 7.0, while still actively in use on millions of sites, are no longer supported or getting security updates by WordPress. WordPress recommends that your host supports PHP version 7.4 or greater. Keep reading and I will tell you how you can check what PHP version your WordPress website runs on.

So, if you have seen a section on the dashboard of your WordPress website telling you to update your PHP version, do not take this lightly and do so today. If you cannot run the update yourself on your web host, reach out to your hosting company for assistance.

On Gbefunwa, all our WordPress websites are by default running on the last version of PHP and WordPress, so you have nothing to worry about when you host with us.

Having a fast and secure website means that your customers can trust your website to shop, fill in forms, interact with you, add comments, among other things.

So how do you check your WordPress website PHP version? The two fastest ways are:

  1. To use the WordPress site health tool from your website dashboard
  2. To look in your hosting control panel or dashboard

That’s it today about PHP. If you have questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us via our contact page.


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Mary is a WordPress advocate and Community Builder with over 6 years of experience in the Open Source Industry. Mary believes everyone should own and run a personal blog.

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